VolCon 2025


Day 2 - March 01, 2024

Activity 4: Closed Corporate Breakfast Meet - Open House for Corporates only. Sharing, learning from each other, challenges with NGO's

Key Note: Kaynan Rabino | VP of Global Programs, Ted Arison Family FoundationNichole Cirillo | Executive Director, IAVE

Breakout 4A: Case study - Using Instagram smartly to attract volunteers or for Effective story telling. Demo/review of a few NGOs' insta handles

Breakout 4B: Panel Discussion - Creating Robust, dynamic EVP

Breakout 4C: Case study - Volunteering for Advocacy and Policy change

Activity 5: Flow Game - Collectively reflecting on questions about Volunteering

Activity 6: Creative Networking

Breakout 5A: Case study - Gamification to enhance volunteer engagement

Breakout 5B: Panel Discussion - HR, CSR or Corp Comms: how employee volunteering fits different corporate verticals

Breakout 5C: Presentation - Rural Volunteering

Breakout 6A: Case Study - Technology for Volunteering | Strategies for NGOs and CSRs

Breakout 6B: Panel Discussion - Cross-Border Volunteering

Breakout 6C: Workshop - Creating a strong volunteering policy

Activity 7:Entertainment Activity

India’s Largest Volunteering Conference, where we envision Every Indian Volunteering!